Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Bok Choy - Amy

This was taken at the Farmer's Market. I really love stacked items. When I see pallets, pipes or lumber on the back of a big rig truck, I just go crazy with delight! To me, it is a transient art show. 

The bok choy was set up perfectly to satisfy my stacking tendencies. I noticed on my stroll down the farmer's market, I was one with my camera. When I am out of contact with my Nikon for a period of time, I get all self conscious when I go out for a shoot. I don't want to bother, or offend anyone; I get all indecisive about what to shoot (guess I still think that I have a roll of 24 exposure film in there). Ultimately I get too into myself to see what is out there. Today, I felt free of that crap in my head. Let's see what tomorrow brings!


  1. Great shot! I love markets and how produce is arranged. My favorite thing to do is sketch flower markets in ink and then watercolor or color with markers.

  2. I like stacks too. I love this with the bundles.

  3. Stacks, lists, lines...I love them as well.
    There are so few things I can control (thank goodness) and so I am drawn toward a clean and organized aesthetic.
